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Roanoke Va. Lifestyle Group FetLife Group (Roanoke) Sex & Swingers Club

Address: Roanoke, VA, USA
Fetlife: https://fetlife.com/groups/50704/about

Roanoke Va. Lifestyle Group FetLife Group

Bringing together like minded individuals in the greater Roanoke VA area; we are both BDSM & swinger friendly. No one is expected to do anything that makes them feel uncomfortable, but if you attend one of our parties & you see sex happening &/or it’s mixed in with BDSM & it offends you, then we might not be the right group for you.



You must attend at least one munch before attending a party; this is simply so we can get to know you beforehand. If you wish to bring a guest to a party that we haven’t met before, you must ask permission from both the group leader & the party host; you will be responsible for the behavior of your guest & they will be expected to arrive with you & leave with you.

No means no, & if playing, stop (or safewording) means stop not expecting that to be a problem, but just to be clear, this is a no pressure group & party & it’s going to stay that way 😉

Bring your own condoms.


No soliciting online for partners; we are not a classified group for you to hook up. If it happens during the course of an event great, but no posting on the group site looking for it.

Don’t touch other people’s toys or partners without their permission.

NO ALCOHOL at our parties; this is in the best interest of the group & it’s members as far as comfort level & safety. We want people to feel comfortable being at parties & we want you coherent if you decide to play, plus we want you to get home safely; of course our prior policy on drinking before the party & getting wasted still applies. If we see you’ve had too much to drink & you’re acting up, you will be asked to leave (we will make sure you have a sober ride home); this goes for parties as well as any other events we have.


If there is any edgeplay (knives, blood, ect.), be sure & run it by the party coordinator before preceeding & make sure someone is monitoring it.

As far as pictures go, be sure & get permission before taking any; there are some people attending that absolutely do NOT want pics taken by anyone except their significant other. Please respect this.

Did I mention NO DRAMA?

Most of all, have fun!

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Roanoke Friends
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  • ADULTS in the Roanoke area who would like to meet other like-minded, lifestyle people.
  • Virginia (VA) > Roanoke
  • A best place to start and continue your insanely active and at the same time safe sexual life. It’s a way better to start it online and prepare for meetings in real life than do it at the bar or at the night club. Even sex/swingers clubs can be a great discouragement if you visit them without preparation. BTW most swingers clubs and local sex groups have their pages at the place we talk about.

1 thought on “Roanoke Va. Lifestyle Group FetLife Group”

  1. Wife and I very calm, slightly reserved. We like bondage and voyeurizem. Are you guys a club, or a group? or?

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