3 Exciting Ways for Swingers How to Hunt & Seduce Vanilla Couples

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Ardent swingers who have embraced the lifestyle for several years are relaxed in their environment and enjoy many opportunities to meet with other swingers. Whilst there is no badge or secret handshake to identify other swingers, they have many opportunities to meet, whether through online dating, at specialized swingers/alternative lifestyle events, and also at Swingers Clubs.

Being relaxed and confident in their open attitude to sex, many enjoy the thrill of seducing and introducing a vanilla couple to the joys and experiences of non-monogamous relationships. New swingers will have often felt attracted to another couple but were reticent to ask, fearing rejection and being publicly branded as weird, deviant, and un-moralistic. This fear of rejection greatly restricts their fantasy fulfillment, however seasoned swingers, having more confidence, have no problem brushing of refusal and negative reactions. Unless you are very confident, be extremely careful hunting close to home or amongst existing friends/colleagues.

So, how can swingers find and seduce Vanilla couples. Some  examples and suggestions:

Romantic resorts/hideaways

Find a city or resort at least an hour from your home where you will not be recognized. Then look for the type of hotel where couples might go to be away from families, conventions, etc. Also research a nice restaurant, lounge, or bar where couples might go for a nice night out.

Now you start to prowl. Dress nicely, sexily, and have a great time together, showing how relaxed, and together you are. If you make eye contact with another couple, just smile and maybe raise a glass. Don’t be too eager, but as the evening progresses, why not ask the other couple if they would like to join you at your booth? If they accept, ensure that the ladies sit next to each other. Relax and get to know each other, your lady should lead by slight touches to the other lady that will slowly lead to a hand lingering on her leg. Very innocent but if not rebuked, can be a single that they could be interested in. The guys can laugh with each other and mention that their ladies seem to like each other.

Slowly lead the conversation towards adult themes, either with jokes or innuendos, and always watch for their reactions. Try to lead the conversation towards fantasies, be suggestive but not too leading, and again watch the body language and reactions. If they start to look uncomfortable, just back off and see if they will come round.

Generally, there will be a moment when they will start to show definite reactions, however, if the hour is getting late then be forward and ask them outright! “It’s been a lovely evening and great fun to meet you both, we find you both so hot and would like to get to know you better. Would you like to come to our room?” They may be horrified, they may readily accept, or they may require some assurance that you are experienced. Have fun!

On the Beach

Again some way from home and as you walk looking for a place to lay down keep your eyes open for other couples. Once you find your place, look around and mouth ‘hello’ to anyone that may be watching you. Then turn on the show! Disrobe slowly and seductively, lightly petting each other and show how easy you are with each other. Applying sun lotion can turn into a mildly erotic show, not provocative, just sexy!

Other couples may notice how good you are with each other and start talking about you. Keep your eyes open for couples looking at you. If they go for a swim, give them some time and then also go for a swim. Now you can say ‘hello’ and start interacting. A vanilla couple has generally not gone to the beach to be picked up by swingers, but if they like what they see how lovely you are together, they may get turned on, making them easy prey for further actions.

On the Golf Course

Whilst it may seem absurd, think about it. It’s a great way to meet another couple, you will spend about 4 hours chasing little white balls together and share a drink after. When you book, ask if it would be possible to share with another couple. If the couple attracts you, then turn on the charm. Be an absolutely perfect couple. Help each other, be so lovely to each other, and generally be loving and a bit open with a kiss after a good shot and a gentle pat on your wife’s backside.

Get the couple to like and admire you, add some hugs and see if they relax. Once the game is over, suggest a drink after a shower. Your lady can complement the other in the ladies’ locker room, and the man could mention how lovely the other’s wife is and what a lucky man he is! In the sales world these are called ‘trial openings’ you listen to the responses and see if they are leading in the direction that you want them to. Chat happily over your drinks, ask if they live locally and when they describe their house, ask if they have a hot tub! One of the greatest opening gambits is “I bet that would be nice, the four of us together in the tub with a nice glass of champagne”.

There are literally hundreds of ways and places to hunt and seduce vanilla couples, but all take time and are hit-and-miss. But remember not to approach friends or colleagues, or to hunt too close to home. The further you are from home, the more forward you can be.

The easiest and most private way to find a Vanilla couple is online. Adult Dating websites offer a vast variety of potential contacts. If you particularly enjoy the thrill of hunting, seducing, and playing with vanilla couples, there is a wealth of researchable data. One can remain anonymous or even hide behind a fake profile but as ardent swingers, you are more confident but still, you don’t necessarily want family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues to know about your kink.

There are a vast number of vanilla couples that secretly fantasize about swinging but need a trigger to get them to start on the pathway to investigate further and then actually meet. You can make your online profile quite direct, emphasizing ‘open-mindedness’, utmost discretion, and that you are sympathetic to newbies. ‘Relax with us, let us introduce you to the wonderful world of swinging’!

In conclusion

The ‘hunt’ for a Vanilla couple is exhilarating as you identify your ‘target’, proceed to sow ideas, and seduce them into their first meeting. They will be nervous and shy, and watch them relax as your charm and experience re-assures them. The thrill of removing a vanilla couple’s clothing and getting them naked is what we thrive on!

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