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Maui Lifestyle Party (Lahaina) Sex & Swingers Club

Address: Lahaina, HI, USA

Maui Lifestyle Party


I’m L.  My husband D and I have been married for 24 yrs, swinging for the last 7.

As newbies, we attended several hotel parties.  They were fun, but not our style, so we decided to host our own and that’s how Maui Lifestyle Party started!  That was 4 years and 9 events ago.

I was born and raised here, so I know how important privacy is.  We’re ALL in the same boat.  We all have families, jobs and lives we need to protect.  Privacy, discretion, safety and comfort are my TOP priorities.

MLP is not a business nor is it profitable.  It’s our occasional hobby.  We enjoy planning/hosting parties of all types, but MLP gives us the opportunity to bring together our lifestyle friends in a safe, comfortable, low key, no pressure, no expectations, sex positive, judgement-free environment.  

As with other parties (superbowl, bachelor/bachlorette, office pizza party), we ask everyone to chip in a nominal amount for food, beverages, decorations, and game prizes.  Everyone pays exactly the same amount.  Guys do NOT pay more while Ladies get in free.

*Please know… no one is promised or guaranteed sex of any kind.  No one pays for or is being paid for sex.  Any and all sexual activity is completely consensual and purely up to the guests themselves.  





  • D&L meet all potential party guests for coffee.
  • Those selected to be on the guest list will receive an emailed invitation and link to pay. 
  • Paid guests are kept up to date with periodic emails.
  • The Wednesday before the party, guests will be given the name of the resort where the party will be so drive times can be planned.
  • On the day of the party, guests will receive an email/text at approximately 5:00pm with the suite number and directions from the Lobby to the room.  

Arrival and Cocktail Hour:

  • Arrivals start at 7:00pm.  Please do not be late.
  • Plan on valet parking your vehicle.
  • Everyone arrives in regular street clothes as to not alert hotel staff.
  • You are personally greeted at the door by one of the hosts who will give you a quick tour of the suite and show you where you can put your things and change into your party attire.
  • When changed, come into the main room and the other host will help get you settled with a drink and a snack.
  • Now it’s Mix and Mingle time!  Time to meet all the other like-minded folks, chat and just relax.  This is exactly like a regular, “vanilla” cocktail party you have all been to.  You might be dressed a bit sexier, but it’s just the same.  No pressure.
  • We usually go around the room and introduce ourselves.  At some parties where we have a lot of new people, we’ll play a quick icebreaker game to get everyone acquainted and laughing or have some kind of contest with prizes.  

* At 8:30pm we “close” the door and allow no more arrivals.  If you’re late… tough luck.

“Remember… you are never required to play with anyone.”

The Real Party Begins (if you so choose):

– By 8:30pm everyone has spent some time getting to know each other.  For those who have CHOSEN to flirt, have expressed a desire for further physical contact with someone, have asked and received an enthusiastic “YES”, play usually begins organically.  

– Some play may occur out in the main room. but typically it happens in the bedrooms, doors open.

– We usually have suites with multiple King beds and have limited the number of guests, so there is room for all to play comfortably.

–  The majority of the party play is full swap, but we do have some soft swap couples occasionally.  The girl-girl action is ALWAYS a treat!  We don’t have guy-guy play.

– Polite voyeurism is a big part of the evening. 

Post Play Time:

– Everyone usually plays until about 11:00pm after which folks seem to gather in the main room, have some food, some water, chat, laugh and exchange contact info for future private play.

– By 12:00am, everyone has usually gone home.   We are NOT a party all night group.    🙂

– Within the next few days, the hosts write up Certifications/Validations for everyone that has a online profile on a swing website.  (We appreciate return Certs/Validations.)

House Rules

General Behavior:

1. No  means NO.  Maybe later means NO.  Only a distinct and enthusiastic YES means YES.

2. Ask first. All touch, even casual, MUST be consensual.  This goes for men AND women.

3. Read #1 and #2 again.  Overly “handsy”, loud, rude or crass people make others feel uncomfortable.   Minor offenders will be quietly spoken to. Serious offenders will be asked to leave and will be dropped from our Contact List.

4. As is the norm in the lifestyle, the ladies call the shots for all activity.  Guys – no whining or guilt-tripping.

5. Do NOT show up with a friend(s).  They will be turned away.

6. If you arrive as a couple, you must leave as a couple.  No exceptions. 

7. If you choose to leave the party early for any reason, there is no re-admittance.

8. Hotel lanai’s are off-limits.  Please keep lanai doors closed and lights off.  

9. No smoking at our events. 

Drugs and Alcohol:

1. NO drugs.  Not even 420.   If you arrive high, become high or bring drugs, you will be turned away/sent home.  You will also be permanently removed from our Contact List.

2. NO excessive alcohol.  Have a drink to relax, but know your limits and stay under them.  Drunks are no fun to play with, are annoying and make poor decisions.  If you arrive drunk or overindulge at the party, you will be turned away/sent home. 

3. Read #1 and #2 again.  Legally, being under the influence of drugs or alcohol means that you are incapable of giving proper consent. If you are unable to give proper consent, you will be turned away/sent home.  Everything that happens at our events MUST be consensual.  

“If you require drugs or alcohol to play, we are NOT the group for you.                Besides, you WANT to remember the fun you had, right?!”


1. Condoms are the rule for everyone except your own spouse/partner.

2. You must be ASKED to join in a scenario.  Do NOT assume it’s ok to jump in.

3. All bedroom doors MUST remain open throughout the night.  No private play rooms. 

4. “Polite voyeurism” is allowed.  Watching others and being watched is part of the *turn-on* of attending a party, but please check with the people involved if they mind if you watch them.  If they agree to let you observe, please allow a respectful distance and keep voices low or silent.   (*Remember…this is NOT a frat party or some live sex show!)   If they prefer a moment of privacy, give it to them, but doors must remain open at all times.

5. Be respectful of others and do not commandeer a bed all night.  That’s rude.

6. We understand that sounds and “talk” is all part of the sexy fun to be had, but please be mindful of others and respectful of the venue.  Keep the vulgar language and loud noises for playtime at your own house.

7. NO cameras or recording devices at our parties.  This is to preserve the privacy and dignity of our guests.



How many people are there at these parties?      

Depending on venue, anywhere from 12-36 people.  Mainly couples, 1-2 Single Ladies and 1-4 Single Guys.  Our guest list is VERY limited.  We do NOT host “come one, come all” events.

Is everyone an experienced lifestyler?

Yes.  On the rare occasion, we will invite a newbie couple who we feel is READY.

Is everyone there super-fit?

     NO.  We’re REAL people.  In general, we’re all HWP.  As much as we’d prefer the lifestyle to be strictly about “personality”, we live in the real world where looks and chemistry have a lot to do with it. Swingers, in general, enjoy their “hobby” and take pride in their appearance; working out, have excellent grooming/personal hygiene and both sexes are usually hair-free “down there” when playing.

BUT… please keep in mind… this is NOT Hollywood and we all don’t have the bodies of 24 year old physique models with 10% body fat.       

“If you prefer to play with people with Instagram-perfect bodies, then we are not the group for you.”

What if I see someone I know?

Well… then you see each other.  What you do from there is totally up to you.  What I can tell you is that scenario is VERY RARE.  Most of the time, half the couples at our parties are visitors.

In all the years we’ve been attending/hosting parties, it’s only happened twice.  (With the first incident, one of the couples slipped out before the other saw them.  In the second, they laughed and both couples stayed and enjoyed the evening.) We cannot absolutely guarantee you will NOT know anyone, but the chances are EXTREMELY small.

Do I get to see who else is on the guest list?

Yes and no.  We do NOT share anyone’s pictures/contact information.  Period.  However, on some of the swing websites, you can RSVP publicly to our party notices.  When you do that, the people who are also members of that site can see your profile.

Keep in mind that NOT everyone belongs to every site, some do not belong to any site and some choose not to RSVP publicly at all.

What if I have my period?

Of course, right?!?!  Your choices… 

1.  Not attend –  If you’ve just started or feel like crap.

2.  Attend as a “fluffer” –  If you’re in the middle and don’t feel too bad.

3.  Attend and play –  If you are at the tail end you can use a menstrual disc, soft tampon or sea sponge method.  You would inform your potential partner(s) and bring your own beach towel to lay on. You are welcome to use the showers.

What about STI’s?

STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) should be top of mind for anyone participating in a non-monogamous lifestyle.  Regular testing, the proper use of protection methods, personal vigilance and open and honest communication with potential partners is extremely important.

That said, we do NOT require proof of testing of anyone.  We are trusting everyone who wants to attend one of our events to be STI-free, but we cannot guarantee anything. Ultimately, you are responsible for making your own health decisions.

Couples & Single Ladies

     We are VERY careful when planning the guest list; trying to stick within a certain age range and socio-economic demographic.  One would think an extremely diverse guest list would be GREAT, but the opposite has been our experience. Guests who are vastly different demographically don’t play. They end up in different corners of the room, not talking to each other.   

     We look for Couples who are:

– Maui residents or visitors
–  Married/attached
–  Mid 30’s to mid 60’s
–  Good looking
–  HWP
–  STI-free
–  Experienced in the lifestyle   (We MAY invite a newbie couple IF they seem ready.)
–  Soft or full swap
–  NOT a voyeur-only couple
–  Ladies are Straight/Bi/Bi-curious/Bi-comfortable
–  Guys are Straight  (It’s fine if you’re Bi, but there is no guy-guy play at the party.)

“Our guests are usually business owners, those who work in the medical field, the financial sector, education, the hospitality and construction industries.”

     In the lifestyle, Single Ladies are also known as “Unicorns”.  As in mythology, Unicorns are rare and hard to come by!  We are usually lucky enough to have 1-2 at a party.  

     We look for Single Ladies who are:

–  Single  (Can be married/attached, but are alone that night.)
–  Late 30’s to early 50’s
–  Good looking
–  HWP
–  STI-free
–  Experienced in the lifestyle
–  Sexy and emotionally secure
–  Straight/Bi/Bi-curious/Bi-comfortable
–  NOT a “professional”

“If you would like to apply to be a Guest at an event, fill out the  Application  form and we
 will schedule a face-to-face daytime coffee meet with you.”

Single Guys

     We hear from a LOT of guys.  Unfortunately, just because you have a certain body part and know how to use it does not automatically qualify you to join us.  Sorry.

The Single Guys we invite to our parties are there to help fulfill couples’ fantasies, so we look for handsome, hung guys with a great personality, are polite and courteous to a fault, have “swag” and who are very comfortable chatting and interacting with all kinds of people, especially those older than themselves.  We are NOT into guys with a pompous, arrogant or sarcastic attitude, but more quiet confidence and a true desire to please others.

Our couples are very experienced, we don’t have time at a party to ‘teach’ newbie guys what to do.”  

Criteria for Single Guys…

1 –  Age 30 – 45

2 – 5’10″+

3 – HWP, fit

4 –  STI free

5 –  Straight

6 –  Handsome, clean cut appearance

7 –  MUST be experienced in the lifestyle  (group play, swing club/party, MFM)

8 –  MUST be very secure and comfortable in a lifestyle group/party setting

9 –  Charming and easy to talk with (must be able to get along with the husbands as well as the wives)

10 –  7″ or greater

11 –  LOTS of endurance/stamina

12 –  Able to perform with a condom on

13 – Able to perform with other (potentially naked) people in the same room.

14 – Have a Couple or Single Lady (Maui resident preferably) vouch for you.

“If you would like to apply to be a Guest at an event, fill out  the  Application  form and we will schedule a face-to-face daytime coffee meet with you.”

What to bring

While we supply most things for the party,
packing a little (shag) bag with some
personal supplies will make the evening
even more comfortable for you.

Here are our suggestions for what to bring:


Your costume or theme outfit

Your BYOB (pls, no red wine)

Condoms and lube

Post-play wipes


Breath mints



Toys –  Your toys are just for YOU.  Pls do not share toys.

Extra towels –  For after shower, squirters or sweaty people.

Feminine hygiene products –  Because this is life, right?

ED pills –  Let’s get real!  Plan your timing so you have the flushing/ sweats
BEFORE play begins.   *Do not share your pills.  I don’t want to have to call 911.*

Personal non-prescription items –  Tylenol/Advil, Tums,
eye drops, lip balm, body wash, etc


Change of clothes

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Other local swingers parties in Maui

  • Hawaii (HI) > Maui
  • Facebook and Instagram of sexual dating social networks. There is no place for many popular and successful social networks because if you use one or two – you will not use others, because you don’t have time and because you can already find all people at networks you use. So at the place which we will discover to you, you will find the most of sexually active people in your location and in locations you plan to visit. That place is in the top 2000 most visited websites of the world and has the biggest user base among sexual related social networks
  • Hawaii (HI) > Maui
  • Number 1 non-censored dating app for swinger sex - the Tinder+Bumble+OkCupid+Badoo all in the same place, full of naked photos of bodies, dicks and vaginas of members who want only one thing: no string attached sex with you!
  • Maui > Maui
  • Tantra Class followed by intimate party. Saturdays
  • Hawaii (HI) > Maui
  • A best place to start and continue your insanely active and at the same time safe sexual life. It’s a way better to start it online and prepare for meetings in real life than do it at the bar or at the night club. Even sex/swingers clubs can be a great discouragement if you visit them without preparation. BTW most swingers clubs and local sex groups have their pages at the place we talk about.

60 thoughts on “Maui Lifestyle Party”

  1. Hi. We are a 56 and 40 year old couple that will be on maui until the end of January. Is there currently any lifestyle activity happening on the island? We tend to be more voyeuristic than full swap, but you never know. Also if there is no organized party happening, is there a venue for meeting other open minded couples for dinner?

  2. Same question. We are to be there the last week in January and interested. We are both 50 and looking for the same thing. Any suggestions of no party?

  3. Hello. I’m looking to find out if there is such party happening soon, and if so how my partner and I can sign up.

  4. Hi! Not sure if it’s happening still. Just found some fake site using the name of this party. Nothing there. Sorry.

  5. Aloha like minded fun seekers!!
    We are in Maui until…well…haven’t decided! LOL!
    We are looking for a fun evening.
    Please let me/us know if a party is on the horizon!
    Looking forward to hearing back!!

  6. We’ll be in Maui February 12-28, 2021 and would love to meet other couples and play. Let us know!

  7. We’ll be in Maui April 12-28, 2021 and would love to meet other couples and play while we’re there.

  8. In town til March 22nd.. would be fun to attend an event.. how can I fill out the application?

  9. In town and will be here til the 19th. Attractive couple- mid 40’s lifestyle for 10+years, would live to have some fun in Hawaii 😋 – any events this weekend?

  10. Young visitor both attractive couple here. Would love to have fun. Feel free too give us a shout

  11. Would love to attend an event or meet up with others while we’re in Maui from April 12-24.

  12. sasha n anthony

    sasha and I will be on maui may 22-june 5. are there any events/parties happening then? we finished our second shots this week and are good soon.

  13. Hey there! My wife and I will be in Maui between 5/22-6/2, and would love to know if you have something planned. Happy to meet beforehand and grab a coffee.

  14. Hello sasha and anthony…my nane is Biil.i live in kahului it has been a fantasy of mine for many years to be another couple…For the last 3 years my gf had gained a ton of weight..she has no desire for sex ..neither do I with her. You guys would really enjoy me and vice versa…My gift is that I eat pussy like a champ and women cum quick. ALSO I LOVE SUCKING COCK WHILE THE WIFE OR GF WATCHES AND PLAYS WITH HER PUSSY WHILE WATCHING ME…NOW IVE HAD ZERO SEX FOR 2 YEARS..I ALSO WATCH A TON OF PORN..I LOVE THE WEBSITE ” BLACKENED raw…the site is full of beautiful women sucking and fucking massive cocks it turns me the fuck on. Not sure exactly what you guys are looking for.threesome..I’m game ..quick blowjob for anthony..whatever..is good..I really need to lick some pussy asap..call or text me 24/7 any hour day or night. Wish I could cum to you guys now..I would make both you guys cum and cum like you never have before..Call ne @808 856-6450

  15. Hey dan not sure exactually what you guys are looking for if you are bi…I will cum to you now and suck your cock like a pornstsr
    Jus saying.if you guys are horny..let’s hook up

  16. Hey dan not sure exactually what you guys are looking for if you are bi…I will cum to you now and suck your cock like a pornstsr
    Jus saying.if you guys are horny..let’s hook up

  17. Hey dan not sure exactually what you guys are looking for if you are bi…I will cum to you now and suck your cock like a pornstsr
    Jus saying.if you guys are horny..let’s hook.. up Bill at 8566450

  18. Hi – Dave and Gina here. We are in our early 50’s, both fit and attractive. We’ll be in Lahaina from 5/30-6/12. We would love to attend a fun party. If not we’ll be at Little Beach every day. Aloha!

  19. Aloha Dave and Gina! I would love to meet and get to know the 2 of you. I’m straight so I’m not looking for guy/guy action but if you are looking for a threesome, I’m down for that. I’m also still in search of a couple that wants to have a cuckold experience. Please contact me through email @ [email protected] then we can securely exchange number then. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you

  20. Hi – my wife and I are here in Lahaina now. Possibly interested in some same room sex and same room play. Let us know. Email [email protected]. Pics first please. We are both late 40s and early 50s. Fit and attractive

  21. Hi
    We will be in town July 16-18. We are active couple looking to meet others in the lifestyle.
    Heading to little beach

  22. My wife and I will be in Lahaina 7-24-21 to 7-30-21. Looking for sexy friends . We are both fit and attractive . She’s late 30’s I’m late 40’s. Our KIk is Brettjenny

    Please send photos first . Thank you
    Brett and Jenny

  23. We are an older male/female couple that enjoy adding other men to our “fun time”. We would also be open to couple swap or integrated couple play. Straight or Bi.

  24. Young attractive couple in Maui for a week. would love to talk more and join one of your parties. looking forward to hearing back

  25. Wife and I will be in Maui 8/27-9/11 if there is a party opportunity. We would love to attend!

  26. Hi, my girlfriend (50) and I (60) are coming to Maui this weekend (8/21) and staying for a few days. Looking for a party where we can have some fun! Is anyone around or is anything happening this weekend or during the week?

  27. Hello I have a hot petite wife, 5’3” 117 lbs C cup, perfect tits and ass and loves to play. I am tall handsome and 225lbs muscular and 8.5 inches. We would love to come play at your party and will be in Maui on the August 26th to Sept 1.

  28. Looking for older mature couple for threesome or single female 50 + I’m 43 in Maui e mail or Kik kike_714

  29. We are a m/f couple 45/39 and will be in Maui this Fri April 22 through Wednesday April 27 and wondered if there will be any gatherings/ parties then? Would love to meet up.

  30. Hi D&L,
    My wife and I will visit Maui in August. We like your swing party. Do you still have party in August?



  31. Hello looking for a party or date today Friday 24 n sat 25th
    Unicorn here
    From Sacramento area
    916 212 8508

  32. Aloha D and L,

    My girlfriend and I (39, 37) would love check out a party while we are here in Maui. Please contact me to let us know the next available gathering is.


  33. Aloha again,

    Apologies but I think I didn’t put my correct email.

    But yes, my girlfriend and I (39F, 37M) are currently Kihei and would love to meet for coffee. This seems to be very well organized and would love to contribute to each occasion. Please reach out to me on the below email when you have a moment.

    Mahalo, N and A

  34. Hi there,

    I will be for the second time in Maui in the next december to january and im very interested to join you!! Im a 40’s brazilian single guy with much of experience in the Swing life. Here in my country i usually go to visit clubs and private parties by myself or as a couple, and i can day that i know what “privacy” and “respect” is!
    I liked so much your idea and i will be hopefully waiting for a reply!! Thanks a lot, and aloha!!!

  35. Ohhh I luv what I read on this website. My bf and I are visiting Maui between Nov 4 and 10, 2022. We are 58 and 57, Albertians. We had been to a few LS club activities and a few camp outs. I wonder if we can expand our experience on the magical island of Maui. If there is no party going on with you guys, where can I keep asking for fun? 😁

  36. It’s Christmas Day 2022. We are counting down the days until we again visit Maui (Jan 7-25, 2023. Have you had any luck finding others/parties/ etc. in Maui? We sure wish our dates had coincided with yours. (: This party couple sounds great. Do you know how to contact them? We’d love to be part of their fun. Thanks. Fargo, North Dakota Couple.

  37. Hi.
    My guy and I will be in Maui 6 Jan to 13 Jan. We are interested in swinging, and some role play. His fantasy is to see me with a women. We are interested in parties. We are executives who love to let our hair down. Would love to me you guys.

  38. Hello! We are LS for 10 years, married, ages 48 and 50. We go to Hedo, Desire, etc every year. We love going to Po’olenalena beach, Little Beach etc. Want to get connected to LS events in Maui. We might be there Feb 15 to 20. Hoping for info for future events, small groups, local bars where LS hang out, etc? Mahalo!

  39. Frankie Kaimimoku

    Aloha. My name is James. My Girlfriend Naomi and I have an open relationship. We don’t share this very often due to the opinions of others. I myself am a born and raised hapa boy from Maui. I’m 33 years old. Krystyna was born and raised in Philadelphia. She is 26 years old. We would love to join the lifestyle and all the fun we have been missing out on. We read through your website. Very excited at the moment. So we’ll keep this short;) looking forward to some of the best times to cum.

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