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Orlando Swingers Club (Orlando City) Sex & Swingers Club

Address: Orlando, FL, USA
Website: http://orlandoswingersclub.weebly.com/

Orlando Swingers ClubOrlando Swingers ClubOrlando Swingers ClubOrlando Swingers ClubOrlando Swingers Club

If swingers in Orlando FL want to get hot action – they come to us. We are best swinger party in Orlando!

​This is some of the adult Parties of Orlando Sex club:

  1. 1. BBC, BWC, BCC
  2. Swingers/BDSM
  3. Gang Bang
  4. interracial
  5. Femdom
  6. pansexual
  7. cuckold
  8. Meet n Greets
  9. Orgy and Group sex
  10. Double Penetration
  11. poly
  12. ​LBGT
  13. BDSM
  14. Fetish​

​Because we do all kinds of parties we can not put them all here…

We do not only do parties we have everything you may need just check with us…

We also have an adult store you can go to our store by clicking here…
We are also a lifestyle travel agency…
We are also a lifestyle promoter…

We also have chefs and staff if you need them for your parties or any events that you have…
If you need your computer or smartphone need to be fixed we also have that also…

We do promote other people’s parties for free long as we are invited and going…​

We are all ways looking for women to throw parties with us if you like too please let us know thanks…
We have a bunch of guys asking already sorry guys…

Orlando Swingers Club was established on Apr 20, 2000, you can find out by going here
Our parties are BYOB parties at our play parties…
We will have prizes and giveaways from our sponsors at our parties…

Rules For Swingers In Orlando

We have a few simple rules for our parties.

Rules :

  • No means “NO”
  • Respect the place and as well as the guests.
  • Smoking will be allowed (outside only).
  • Bring your toys but leave them in your vehicle until you are asked by someone or your host says so.
  • If you are asked to leave then there are no refunds…

Like any other human activity, swinging also has its pros and cons. A few basic laid down principles can make swinging fun and foul-free, every time.


The lifestyle of the swingers isn’t a piece of cake. Sometimes it is complex and complicated with lots of insecurities and uncertainties. Courtesy is the key to ease up. Behave with people just like you would like them to behave towards you. Be sensible, thoughtful and understanding.

Health and Hygiene of Orlando Swingers Club

Oral hygiene is a basic necessity for everyone. Bad breath or body odor is a big turn-off for your potential partners. Shower and groom well before you leave for the party. Good cologne, perfumes or body sprays will give you the edge in the environment. The best way to enjoy the party is by freshening up when you reach there.

Enjoy Yourself 

The whole idea is to have fun and enjoy your time there, to participate in activities that make you feel comfortable. Don’t let anyone pressurize you to do something you don’t like. This may be the most important one. Approach every activity with an open mind and a positive attitude. Act out your fantasies, and enjoy yourself.

The Right to say ‘NO’

This is the fundamental etiquette in swinging, the right to say ‘no’. It is simple and straightforward, and polite to say ‘no, thank you’. Explanations and alibis aren’t required as these may cause embarrassment and hurt you. You shouldn’t be afraid to decline an invitation. It is the only way to avoid doing something you might regret afterward. And that might just create more ill-feelings and embarrassment.


Be a friend to all, even if you don’t want to extend the night or don’t have any interest in getting physical with someone. You may catch a vibe by being nice with the others in the community. They may put you across to people who you may be interested in.

Swinging can be every bit as invigorating, exciting and fulfilling as you can ever imagine. It opens a window to explore your favorite fantasies in safe mode. You and your partner can work out in private, and yet you can enjoy another couple or get a group swing in just one evening.

Meeting new interesting people and making bold friends are potential side-effects of swinging. Swinging also has the common positive effect of enhancing your relationship and personal life to a great extent. The positive feeling about yourself, your mate, and your relationship is the most important factor while swinging

What to wear

Don’t wear:

  • Worn out, or out of style jeans. If your pants have more holes than Swiss cheese or look like the dreaded “mom jeans”, just leave them at home!
  • Tennis shoes, white socks, or flip flops. Shoes are an important part of an outfit whether you are male or female. Everyone should have one pair of nice looking or sexy shoes. I just have a big problem with white socks. They never ever belong in a black pair of shoes.
  • Sweat pants or athletic attire of any sort. I just can’t believe this happens, but I have seen it before with my own eyes. Blazer and sweat pants. What are you thinking?
  • Anything that is ill-fitting. Short dresses are hot, but if you butt cheeks are hanging out it with no effort at all it just doesn’t fit.

Do wear!:

  • Sexy dresses, stylish jeans, and dress pants. A nicely dressed man or woman will always command more attention.
  • Ladies, accentuate your cleavage! Don’t be afraid to try a plunging neckline. Men just love it plain and simple.
  • Spike heels just this one night or a hot pair of dress shoes. I look at a person from head to toe. The entire package plays a role in attraction for me. I bet it does for you too.
  • Dress for the theme. Theme parties are always fun. While it’s not mandatory to dress in theme, it can make for a fun night!

Single Males

Etiquette Guide For Select Single Gentleman In The Lifestyle! 

Fact – 99% of males without a partner looking to hook up with swingers are doomed to complete failure!

If you as a single male get invited to attend a lifestyle party, then clearly you are part of the lucky 1%.

How can YOU as single men get even luckier?

You can do this by following a few simple steps and the application of a measure of common sense. The first thing to understand is that YOU (single males) are not swingers! You might want to be a swinger, you may even convince yourself that you indeed are but unless you have a partner you are only fooling yourself. Take the view that YOU are an honored guest (because clearly, YOU are, think about it; a married man openly and willingly allowing YOU the pleasure to make love to his wife while he watches.) and behave accordingly. Keep in mind that you are in contact with a couple. Asking if the female will meet you alone is the surest way to get an unsavory reputation, not just with the couple in question but with all those in their circle. Swingers like everyone else, love to exchange information for good and bad. You would be amazed at how quickly names of undesirables circulate.

Be honest. Remember YOU are talking about hooking up for face to face sex. If you are making claims that you are unable to substantiate in the flesh then the couple WILL walk away. You have not just wasted their time but you have wasted your own and effectively ruined your future prospects.

There is no reason to lie to a couple about ANYTHING, even if you are married (granted there may be significantly fewer couples wanting to play with you, but at least everything is up front and adults are free to choose). These people are smart and may let you get by with it for a while, but eventually will “let you go”. REMEMBER: Many of these couples exchange information and especially when someone is tagged “untrustworthy” they make sure they pass the info along.


Forget it; it ain’t gonna happen for long. Swinging isn’t for you. Of course, you know better right? OK, let me explain it to you. Swinging is a free and open lifestyle based on honesty and a guilt-free relationship. Sneaking away while your wife is at work for some “discreet sex” is the complete opposite of what swinging is about. You try to force your way into a lifestyle where you are clearly not welcome by using the same lies and deception you practice on your wife. It causes nothing but resentment. You expose swingers to personal and physical attacks by your wife, lie about your marital status, make it all but impossible for the REAL singles to join swingers, waste so much time with your lies and deceptions and cause more trouble than any other group of people.

Of course, you are thinking “I will just lie and claim to be single”; after all, you are lying to your wife so why not lie to others. Wise up, swingers have had more than enough and are very aware of every cheap little trick you can think of. Any experienced swinger can spot a married cheat on the horizon with ease. 

Rules For Select Single Gentleman To Live By To Have A Great Time

“Select” means that you must be clean, polite, well dressed and well mannered. In short, you must be a classy guy.

Be a gentleman AND a classy guy. Just because a woman likes sex, doesn’t mean she appreciates vulgar language or suggestive remarks. Good manners and social skills are more important here than anywhere else.

Dress nice, like you’re going on a date. Because you ARE going on a date! When you know you will be having an intimate encounter with your mate, you take extra special care in your daily hygiene routine, right? Well, multiply that ten times for this lifestyle. On a first date, you spend extra time brushing & flossing your teeth, showering, shaving, doing your hair and putting on your best cologne. Treat this as a first date, get extra cleaned up and dress to impress! Leave your torn or baggy jeans or shorts and a T-shirt, tank top and a baseball cap at home, you’re not in high school anymore so don’t dress like it.

The strictly enforced dress code is:

  • No Sweat or Warm Up Suits
    No Printed T-Shirts
    No Tank Tops
    No Torn and Tattered Jeans
    No Torn or baggy excessively worn clothing
    No baseball caps
    No sandals
    No old sneakers

Dress to impress… Because isn’t that what you do when you go on a date?! REMEMBER if, in doubt about what to wear, it is always better to overdress rather than underdress. First impressions are extremely important because we never get a second chance to make a first impression!

Don’t assume that just because you talk or dance with someone that they want to have sex with you. And, don’t get too aggressive on the dance floor or anyplace else within the club, etc. unless you get the clear message that it’s OK. If you get that message, go with it, just don’t go overboard. You should be asking, “Is this okay”?

Introduce yourself to both the husband and his wife. Never wait until The husband leaves his wife and sneak up to meet her without him present, or wait to ambush her as she heads to the ladies room.

If you want a 100% sure thing then go to a whorehouse or call an escort. This is a social club and the ladies here are upscale wives and girlfriends and above all, they are ladies, not escorts. Treat them like ladies.

Don’t ignore the husband. No matter how much his wife likes you, if the husband doesn’t like you, you’re not getting anywhere with her. This doesn’t mean you need to spend all night talking with him, but introduce yourself and be cordial and play it by ear.

If someone tells you “NO” that’s all there is to it. It’s not open for discussion! Don’t ask them, “why not?” or “are you sure, I’m the greatest lover in the world?” They are not interested in you joining them no matter how great of a lover or how big your dick might be!

All in all, it’s real simple; be a gentleman, be classy, be friendly, and treat people well. Everyone has a much better evening if the ladies have a fun time, and if they do, then you’ve got a great chance at having a really fun time with them.

Appropriate Behavior For Joining A Couple

A true gentleman AND classy guy in the swinging lifestyle is non-threatening to the male spouse’s virility…He’s happy to be sharing in the encounter and doesn’t try to monopolize it… He knows his place in the bedroom and out…He is also a friend of BOTH spouses, yet slightly closer to the male.

In A Nutshell… Be A Classy Guy!

1) Always be polite.

2) Never assume.

3) Ask permission before touching.

4) ‘No’ means ‘No’. Accept it gracefully. No one pleases everybody. And never think that you know more about what she wants than she does! If she or her husband says “No”, then that’s exactly what they mean, don’t question “Why”. It’s not open for discussion. If they have to tell you twice, then you are no longer welcome and you will be asked to leave.

5) If you’re unsure about proper procedures or what’s allowed, Ask!

6) Most people in the club have a partner; include them in your conversation when appropriate.

7) Mind your manners. Be on your very best behavior.

8) Pay attention to nonverbal signals, both positive and negative. Body language speaks much louder than actual words. Act accordingly!

9) When talking to other people in the club that you are interested in, make sure you understand their personal rules and boundaries. Everyone is different.

10) Admission to the club DOES NOT guarantee that you will have sex, but only that you will be admitted to the club. No one owes you anything and you shouldn’t expect anything from anyone.

11) If you have a problem with someone at the club, PLEASE tell the management and let them handle it, not you. Never create or contribute to a “scene”.

12) If you’re new and have additional questions about the club or the lifestyle, ask to speak to one of the regular member couples. They will be happy to answer any questions you might have. It’s also a great way to start a conversation!

13) Class and style will get you much further than pushiness, arrogance or macho crass behavior.

14) Be aware of how much you drink. No one is attracted to or impressed with, or wants to be around a drunk. This is a social club, NOT a drinking club.

If you follow these guidelines, you should have a great time and make lots of new sexy friends!

Escort swinging

Are you a single male that is no issues all you have to do is put your zip code in the box below and find an Escort and bring her to the party but do not have sex with her and have her as a partner and that will make you a couple …Do not have sex with the Escort because if you do have sex with her that would be PROSTITUTION and we do not condone that…   If you are an escort please do sign up by using this link and please do not have sex with the client thanks!!!!!

How to mix escorting and swinging – and how to avoid the mix

​December 7, 2012, | For escorts, Health, safety is common overseas for escorts to accompany clients to swingers’ clubs. However, in the United States, working girls (even the most elite) are often shunned in clubs, if not excluded completely. Many American men are curious about the swinger lifestyle and are interested in trying it on for size. Their complications involve finding a willing partner, so they often turn to escorts as dates.
It’s debatable whether or not an escort would want to get involved in swinging sessions. Some escorts make excellent money by catering to would-be swingers, yet there are several things to consider before you commit to an encounter that lands you smack dab in the middle of limbs, lips and lovin’ at a swinging party or club.
The first thing to consider is that all swingers’ clubs have established rules and requirements for participants. Most prohibit the admittance of single men. Swinging involves changing/trading partners and engaging in intimacy involving several people. It involves trust and mutual respect. Most swingers’ clubs have encountered single men who are pushy and not invested in the lifestyle by facing any risks. Because single men bring no dates to the parties, they don’t really have much to offer for an exchange or trade. And, because they have no date to try to keep happy during the party, they often have nothing at risk of being pushy or insistent.

Other rules to remember when you’re at a swingers’ club are:

  • Most clubs require participants to be at least 21 years old. Because alcohol may be present, all attendees must be of legal age to drink. Additionally, others that do not include alcohol will require that all attendees be at least 18 years old, due to the concern about being legal and meeting the age of consent. So, don’t go with a client who is underage.
  • Many clubs require membership and photo identification in order to be admitted to parties or events. Membership may be as simple as paying an annual fee and signing a contract promising to respect others, etc. However, other clubs require that members undergo a trial period that involves a “getting acquainted” period where members learn about the rules and procedures of the club. If your client wants to attend one of these clubs that require extensive involvement for membership, you will need to charge him accordingly.
  • The dress code is important. Most clubs ban certain items of clothing such as flip flops, sweat pants, denim and jeans, ball caps and sneakers. They prefer sexy club attire or business casual clothing. Pay close attention to the dress code when preparing for the encounter with your client.
  • Some clubs prohibit alcohol, tobacco, and other addictive drugs.
  • Recording devices, including camera phones, are prohibited from the premises. You should be able to rest easy knowing that anything you do at the club will never be recorded and show up to your surprise somewhere online.
  • Prostitution is prohibited from nearly all swingers’ clubs. Any exchange of money for services rendered during activities at the club is prohibited, and persons found in violation of this rule will be asked (ordered) to leave the premises. As a result, organizers of swingers’ clubs often frown on escorts being paid by clients to engage in activities at the club or parties. They feel that this is a deception as most swingers assume that an escort and her client are a couple, instead of working out a business transaction.

Swingers are very proud of their activities and consider them a lifestyle. They often make close friends within a circle of other swingers and engage in regular soirees that include open and private interactions. They put great trust in each other, expecting discretion and respect in return. The lifestyle is not about having as much sex as you can with as many people as possible. It’s about the free expression of intimacy and enjoying the sexual thrill with your partner and other trusted friends.

Swinging is an outlet for many couples. In addition to spicing up their sex lives, many feel their relationships are strengthened and enhanced through their interactions and experiences. When couples engage in activities with others, they like to know that the other couple is as devoted and invested in the experience as they are. Swinging with another couple which involves an escort who is involved because she is being paid to be there isn’t exactly what the lifestyle is all about.

So…as an escort, if you decide to follow through with a request to go swinging with a client, here are some tips you should make sure you follow:

  1. Establish ground rules with your client. Ask them about her expectations for the encounter, involving the level of activity she hopes you will engage in with others. If she expects you to engage in other activities with others while she watches, she should be prepared to pay an extended fee beyond your basic rates. Your basic rates apply to be involved with your client, not others. However, you can simply inform your client that you will watch while she gets involved with others, but you do not wish to participate. Regardless of how you want to play it, determine the expectations for the night as you’re scheduling the encounter.
  2. Be open-minded. Even as an escort, you may not be fully prepared for what you will see and experience at a swingers’ club. Expect to see a bit of anything and everything and arrive with no preconceived notions.
  3. Get your payment up front from your client.
  4. Expect to get naked. Most swingers’ clubs require a specific dress code for the main part of the establishment. However, as you enter the “play areas”, a different dress code may be required. If all other couples are nude or nearly nude, you will be expected to play along. Often, sexy lingerie is allowed in this area, but you must be prepared to show off your goods to other people at the swingers’ club. If you’re not comfortable getting naked in a group, you should rethink the encounter.
  5. Create an easy-to-remember story about your relationship with your client. While deception should never be a priority for your encounters, it will be necessary as you enter a swingers’ club. You and your client should have a story ready about yourselves. Are you an actual couple or just having fun together? How did you meet? How long have you known each other? Consider anything else that you may need to know ahead of time and work the story out together. Make it easy to remember and simple to tell.
  6. Consider going to a swingers’ club only with a regular or established client. The first encounter with a client is difficult enough at times — don’t make it any more difficult by adding in another element like swinging.

Many escorts will immediately shy away from a request to swing with a client at a party, event or club. Here are some reasons why you might want to deny a client’s request:

  1. It’s against the rules most of the time. Even though rules are meant to be broken, most clubs specifically prohibit escorts and prostitutes from entering, even if they are the date of a member. For no other reason than this, many escorts choose to avoid such encounters.
  2. You’re giving your services away as a free show. If you wouldn’t be comfortable doing a webcam of your sexual encounter with a client, then why would you consider having sex in front of many others at a swingers’ club? You will be allowing others to watch you having sex or performing other sexual acts on your clients and, perhaps, others. Giving it away for free is not what escorting is about.
  3. Your surroundings will be quite unfamiliar. As an escort, you are accustomed to controlling your surroundings much of the time. Entering a swingers’ club is about as unfamiliar as you can get. Even with a known, established client, you may still want to steer clear from entering into any situation where you don’t control the surroundings or events.
  4. Never go to a swingers’ club with a client you feel may get pushy. The one resounding rule that is said over and over again at swingers’ club is to be nice and respectful. “No means no” is a firm basis for all activities at the club. Any client you feel that might break this rule is not one to consider going anywhere similar with.
  5. You may feel pressured to do more than you want to. Even though you engage in intimate activities with clients all day long, your encounters occur in a much different environment than a swingers’ club. If your client is expecting to get to watch you do all kinds of crazy things with other men and women, that’s between you and him. However, if you’re uncomfortable with his expectations of what will/may happen at the club deny his request for such an encounter.
  6. Even if you’re up for a lot of fun with others, you will walk away from such an experience feeling exhaustedIt’s a lot of work. If you have a full week of encounters planned or other activities that you’re going to need to be 100-percent for, you should avoid the encounter.
  7. You’re setting a precedent by doing it once. Your client may think that you will be up for this type of experience each and every time he calls. And, even if you enjoyed it, you may not want to engage in this activity all the time. Avoid this encounter becoming your standard meeting with him by saying no from the very beginning.

And if you do not want to use our escort service then you can be a ​sugar daddy at our sugar daddy service…

If you do not know what a sugar daddy is and you do not know what a sugar baby is here it is…

Sugaring, in case you’re new to the sweet life, is a type of relationship/lifestyle in which a Sugar Baby (SB) “provides companionship in exchange for being pampered,” while a Sugar Daddy (SD) “pampers Sugar Babies in return for companionship.”Jul 10, 2015

​If you like to be a sugar baby please join here

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Other local swingers parties in Orange

  • Florida (FL) > Orange
  • Facebook and Instagram of sexual dating social networks. There is no place for many popular and successful social networks because if you use one or two – you will not use others, because you don’t have time and because you can already find all people at networks you use. So at the place which we will discover to you, you will find the most of sexually active people in your location and in locations you plan to visit. That place is in the top 2000 most visited websites of the world and has the biggest user base among sexual related social networks
  • Florida (FL) > Orange
  • Number 1 non-censored dating app for swinger sex - the Tinder+Bumble+OkCupid+Badoo all in the same place, full of naked photos of bodies, dicks and vaginas of members who want only one thing: no string attached sex with you!
Lovers Lane
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  • holds events 3 times a week in Weest side of Orlando, couples and singles are welcomed.
OhFantasy Parties
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • Great themed parties. No hassles from single males and always use lifestyle etiquette.
Orlando FetLife Group
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • Some of the adult Parties are: BBC, BWC, BCC BBC- BIG BLACK COCK BWC- BIG WHITE COCK BCC- BIG CARAMEL COCK Swingers/BDSM Gang Bang interracial Femdom pansexual cuckold Meet n Greets Orgy and group sex, sex, porn, sex stars, Orgy and group sex, Meet n Greets, cuckold, pansexual, Femdom, interracial, Gang Bang, BDSM, Swingers, BIG CARAMEL COCK,BIG WHITE COCK,BIG BLACK COCK,BBC, BWC, BCC Rules: No drama, no bullshit and no flaming or attacking others. We take no responsibility for parties being hosted by anyone other then the Group Leaders. Make sure that you know what your going into and that your aware that not all people in the lifestyle are safe, honest .
Orlando Interlude
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • Annual Orlando Interlude Convention – swingers parties with cross-dressing, costumes themes and so on.
Play Tyme
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • A spacious dance floor, 2 full bars, and excellent service for our VIP section.
Ranch 4 Play
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • Attention! The Ranch4Play club owners Danielle, a.k.a. Frances Darlene Barnes, 39, and Buford Eugene Barnes, 57, were arrested over the weekend on misdemeanor charges of operating a bottle club without a license and renting space for lewdness. They were released from the Lake County Jail after posting bond. More details are here: https://www.orlandosentinel.com/news/os-xpm-1997-12-09-9712080869-story.html  We recommend you to check other Florida swingers clubs and Orlando swingers clubs at our website. Welcome to the Ranch! RANCH 4 PLAY is situated on a 5 acre site in a peaceful, wooded site 30 minutes from Orlando Florida. As a guest of RANCH4PLAY, you will have access to the cleanest on-premise, private, swingers party in all of central Florida. Guest will be given a friendly…
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  • Masturbation Swing Club, Couples & Singles, Sat Meetings, 12 yrs of Operation
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • Club RELATE is a club for people that enjoy and include masturbation in their sex play and desire meeting other people in a party setting for group masturbation. Club RELATE members generally have three things in common: ONE – A tremendous attitude and desire to have fun. TWO – To make new friends within our lifestyle that share our interests in masturbation. THREE – To broaden their sexual experiences with masturbation by intimate involvement with others. Now, having said all of this above we would add that what you can expect at a Club function is to have a lot of fun with other members that enjoy the same things you do! Our group makes everyone feel welcome. Introduction First,…
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  • Upscale Swingers Party in Orlando – Taboo! Presented to you bi-monthly in a stylish, on-premesis environment that is a hybrid between an on premise swinger club and a swinger’s house party, giving you the best of both worlds. Taboo Swing Parties features nearly 3,000 square feet of party area, with the main Swingers’ area featuring a lighted solid oak bar and a solid cherry pool table with competition felt.
The House
  • Orange > Orlando City
  • Downtown Orlando private parties twice a week, single men are welcome if they are well-mannered.
  • Florida (FL) > Orange
  • A best place to start and continue your insanely active and at the same time safe sexual life. It’s a way better to start it online and prepare for meetings in real life than do it at the bar or at the night club. Even sex/swingers clubs can be a great discouragement if you visit them without preparation. BTW most swingers clubs and local sex groups have their pages at the place we talk about.

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