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Le Boudoir (London) Sex & Swingers Club

Address: London, UK
Phone: 07598 805117
Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.leboudoir.club
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LBClubLondon
Instagram: @leboudoirclub
Twitter: @leboudoirclub

Le Boudoir

Le Boudoir Club, London is renowned for our chic, stylish, and extremely playful venue and live events.


If you feel you may be offended by expressions of sexual freedom, please do not attend one of our social events at this venue. We don’t want you to be upset by such expressions and we ask that you respect our members’ lifestyle choices without judgement too.  Why label people because of their sexual preferences?

Since our first social events in 2015, Le Boudoir has become a haven for those wanting to explore their sexual liberation and you should know that you are never under any obligation to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable.

Many guests take pleasure from dressing up or wearing something that maybe just a little too risque elsewhere – although, a walk through the clubland of any major city these days could make you blush as it is!

The club provides a unique opportunity to socialise without inhibition among like-minded people.

There some very basic rules that all members should adhere to; Please respect peoples bounderies and adhere to socially distance guidelines at all times. 

If you feel someone is being overly attentive or makes you feel uncomfortable, please let a staff member know asap and we will attempt to manage the situation without fuss.

We hold our events in a unique and very discrete London venue. For the security and discretion of all who attend, you are required to complete an application ahead of coming. There is absolutely no admission without prior registration and an application is no guarantee of acceptance.

We ask that you treat other guests with respect, socially distance and acknowledge their boundaries at all times. 

Also, before you attend please know your own boundaries and those of your partner. Events are meant to be sociable and couples or individuals who cause disruption of any kind may be asked to leave in order to preserve the calm enjoyment for everyone else.


  • ELIGIBILITY. We host private events which are social gatherings for the Lifestyle and LGBTQ+ Community. For the security and privacy of all who attend, applications are required before attending. Provisional membership may be offered after reviewing the registration and may be extended to full membership after validation of the registrant’s photo ID at their first event. Registration must be made on-line and you must be a minimum of 21 years of age to apply for membership and attend as a single person. THERE IS NO COST TO REGISTER. TV’s, TS’s and MTF’s may apply for membership as a single lady if you hold a government issued ID (drivers license or passport) in the persona under which you wish to attend. Otherwise, you may still attend as a female, but your event fees may be applied as a single gentleman.
  • IDENTIFICATION. On your first visit you must bring photo ID that provides proof of age for each member. A driving licence, passport or government ID card are suitable. If you do not have a driving licence, passport or ID card, please bring a utility bill, mobile phone bill or bank statement and a bank card to verify your registration. Please note that entry may be refused if you are unable to comply.
  • SUBTERFUGE. Members warrant that they shall not engage in subterfuge at ANY TIME and shall reveal to the management at the time of application (and subsequently if their status changes) if they are in any capacity a member of A REGULATORY BODY or THE MEDIA, including, but not restricted to reporter, paparazzi, broadcast, print, blogger, social or digital. It does not prohibit your membership, but these members warrant that they shall respect and abide by the clubs rules and shall hold the privacy of the club, its events and its members without exception. Failure to comply may result in civil action for defamation.
  • MEMBERSHIP CARDS. You may be issued with a membership card which you will need to gain access to an event and should be carried at all times when attending. Membership cards are strictly non-transferable. Misuse of your membership card may lead to membership being revoked. If you lose it, please ask one of the management team for a replacement. An administration charge of £10.00 will be applicable.
  • ADMISSION. Strictly no admission will be allowed without production of ID or a valid membership card (Presented to you on your first visit). The management reserves the right to refuse admission to any event without giving any reason for such action. No admission will be allowed after 01.30 (Fri & Sat) or earlier at the managements discretion. Last orders at the bar is 2.30 and the premises closes at 03.00. If the Management considers that any Member’s conduct either inside or outside of the venue is contrary to the interests of members, the Club may expel that member from the venue and/or terminate that Member’s membership without giving any explanation or refund of any contributions paid. At the clubs discretion, singles attending together but not registered as a couple may be admitted together on all nights, including Saturdays. HOWEVER, UNLESS YOU HOLD A COUPLES MEMBERSHIP, ADMISSION WILL BE CHARGED AT THE APPLICABLE SINGLES RATES. Any concession on admission is purely at the clubs discretion. PLEASE NOTE, THAT YOU CANNOT FORM A ‘COVID SUPPORT BUBBLE’ AT THE VENUE.
  • GUESTS. Unregistered / casual guests are NOT permitted to enter the venue. If you wish to bring a new partner, they are required to complete a membership application via our website prior to visiting and provide acceptable identification. We operate a strict door policy. No person under the age of 18 will be allowed entry at any time.
  • SMOKING & CHEWING GUM. Smoking and chewing gum are not allowed within the venue. Removing chewing gum from carpets and furniture is nasty and can be costly. Offenders will be asked to pay the bill!
  • ELECTRONIC DEVICES. We understand that you may wish to carry your phone with you, but photography and the recording of audio and/or video is strictly prohibited. We therefore ask that all devices – including but not restricted to mobile phones, cameras, blackberries, tablets, laptops and/or any other equipment capable of audio visual recording are left safely at home, in your car or in a locker, for which a key is available on reception (£20 refundable deposit per key – bring the key back, get your money back. No key = no refund!) Breach of this rule may see members’ equipment confiscated and membership may be revoked.

NB: On occasion, we may have an official photographer in attendance for publicity shots and to gather social media content. Rest assured they will not photograph you without your permission and no images will be published anywhere without your full consent.

  • NOISE & DISTURBANCE. Members are requested to be respectful of our neighbours at all times and keep conversation and noise to an absolute minimum, particularly when arriving and leaving the venue or when smoking. Local authorities have an increasingly low tolerance to noise disturbance. Anyone deemed to be too loud will be asked to refrain in order to ensure that no censure of the venue may come to pass.
  • DRESS CODE. Clothing is optional, and our dress code is sexy, clean and appropriate for the environment.

Ladies – Smart, sexy or elegant attire is all acceptable. High heels are absolutely encouraged but please, please, please remove them before placing your feet on any furniture or relaxation areas.

Gentlemen – Smart jeans are allowed but ripped, tatty jeans will not be admitted. Shirts with a collar are preferred. Polo shirts & V-neck sweaters may be admitted at the club’s discretion. But NO T-SHIRTS, SINGLETS, HOODIES OR SPORTS STYLE CLOTHING OF ANY NATURE will be admitted. Work style boots, or sports style shoes, dirty footwear, sandals, hats, caps, ripped, tattered or dirty clothes are also not permitted Please dress appropriately and we won’t offend you by refusing entry or requesting that you hire one of the clubs polo shirts.

From time to time we have theme nights with a suggested dress code and Fetish/Kink events, where we consider fetish attire and/or all black as a minimum.

  • THE CLOAKROOM. Our cloakroom has limited space, but we will accept coats and small bags for safekeeping. The venue will not be held responsible for loss or damage to any property/luggage at any time. Members will be given a numbered peg and no property will be returned without the redemption of the corresponding peg. We accept no responsibility for lost/stolen items at any time and left/lost property in the cloakroom or found within the venue will be held for a maximum of 14 days before being disposed of.
  • DRINKING. This is a licensed venue, and we operate a Challenge 25 policy and ask that you drink responsibly at all times within the venue. If you are a heavy drinker and we feel that your drinking is a cause for concern, you may be asked to refrain for consuming further alcohol. Please do not be offended by this, it is a moral and legal obligation. Tap water is available free of charge at all times. We also understand that spills will happen but please observe our rules and respect our venue.
  • DRUGS. We have a zero tolerance to drugs and reserve the right to search bags and clothing if we suspect this rule has been broken. Please do not bring drugs to our events, or if offered, take them at our events. No member or guest shall use, ingest, possess or distribute drugs while on the premises and anyone breaking this rule will be expelled without exception.
  • CONDUCT. Members should treat other fellow Members and staff as they would wish to be treated themselves, with respect and acknowledge their boundaries at all times. Follow social distancing guidelines. Any member who willfully removes, damages or destroys any property belonging to the venue, or to members or staff on the premises will be liable to expulsion.
  • CONFIDENTIALITY. Members will hold all information about the club in strictest confidence at all times. In particular, the communication of information concerning the organisation or its members to the media is not permitted and is a disciplinary offence.
  • COMPETITIONS. From time to time, the club may run competitions in conjunction with our sponsors/partners. Participation in such competitions is subject to acceptance of the rules and terms and conditions of each competition, as set by the club and/or the sponsor/partner. Where a competition is for a vacation prize, entry to the competition may be subject to full membership of the sponsors/partners website/business. Unless stated otherwise, prizes do NOT include cash, spending money, flights or travel expenses to/from a prize winners location to the location of the vacation prize. Participants will be drawn at a party or series of parties at the club to constitute a place in the grand final draw. No cash alternative is available at any time. If the final prize draw winner declines the prize, no additional draw shall be made. In ALL competitions, the judges decision is final.
  • RECIPROCAL ARRANGEMENTS. From time to time, we may enter into reciprocal arrangements with other lifestyle promoters on agreed terms for the benefit of Members. You will be notified of these arrangements by your preferred communication method. Such arrangements may be terminated or modified by us at any time and without notice.
  • PRIVATE AREAS. Most areas of the venue remain open to Members at all times but some areas are specifically designated as Private by the Management.  Please do not try to force entry to these areas and ask a member of staff if you are unsure.
  • ANIMALS. No animals, except assistance dogs, are allowed in the venue at any time.
  • COMPLAINTS & SUGGESTIONS. All members’ complaints or suggestions on how we can improve things are welcome. Please submit these in writing to the management.
  • PRICES & CREDIT. Prices are subject to change and absolutely no credit will be made available at any time. We are not a bank and banks do not host lifestyle parties!
  • REFUNDS. No refunds will be made in respect of membership suspensions or cancellation, irrespective of the reasons for suspension or cancellation under any circumstances. Requests for refunds or the transfer of event fees will not be considered under any circumstances after than 12.00 on the day of an event. (If you buy a ticket to a concert and can’t make the show, are you likely to get a refund?) When a transfer of contributions is granted, it is valid for a maximum of 28 days and may be subject to a £10 administration fee.
  • INTERPRETATION OF THE RULES. In the event of any dispute arising as to the meaning or interpretation of these Rules, the matter should be referred to the Management, whose decision shall be final at all times.
  • AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES . These Rules may be changed, varied or revoked by the management and any change, variation or revocation of the Rules shall be deemed to have been brought to the notice of the members provided that a copy thereof is duly posted on this  website for a period of not less than three days.  All Rules are binding on the members at all times.


Members must complete an application form via the website and produce the relevant ID for verification and age compliance.

A member of the Management team will receive the applications and after review by the Membership Committee, applicants will be contacted by email. Applicants will usually here from the club within 48hrs. Please note, we send nothing by post and a membership card will ONLY be issued at the club upon inspection of your photo ID.

When our membership has reached its capacity, applicants will be placed on a waiting list. No reason will be given for refusal of an application. Any omission or inaccuracy in the particulars of any applicant for membership may render the application void.

  • RESIGNATION. Any Member / Applicant wishing to resign his/her registration may do so at any time. We utilise multiple platforms for management and communication to members and a fee may be applicable for the removal of data from some service providers. Should a Member wish to reinstate their membership, acceptance is at the discretion of the Committee.
  • MISCONDUCT. Complaints about misconduct or misbehaviour should be raised immediately to a senior Member of the Management or security DURING THE EVENT. It is very difficult to address complaints and identify miscreants if not reported to the club at the time.

Conduct that is considered prejudicial to the reputation and character of Le Boudoir or the safety and enjoyment of its Members may result in expulsion. Such conduct may include but is not restricted to: violent, abusive, racist, homophobic, sexist, ageist or ill-tempered behaviour and domestic quarrels.

Members agree not to make insulting remarks to, or about, other members (“flaming”), distribute illegal, copyright infringing, indecent or offensive material or undertake any activities that may incite disorder or encourage illegal activities or that causes or may cause harm to minors.

Members shall not impersonate another person or Member. They shall not use the venue to conduct any fraudulent activity nor participate in theft, damage or any action generally regarded to constitute anti-social behaviour. The communication of information concerning the group’s affairs, events, members or their guests to the media is abhorrent and will not be acceptable at any time.

An expelled Member shall cease to be a Member when the decision is communicated, either verbally or by written or electronic communication by Management.

In case of membership being rescinded no fees will be refunded and we are not bound to submit reasons for membership cancellations. The decision of the Management is final and binding.

These rules may be added to, amended or revoked by the management at any time, and these rules shall, until changed by the management, be binding on members at all times.

  • LIABILITY OF THE MANAGEMENT. You agree to indemnify and hold the Club, its Management, Agents, Employees or the Venues we hire harmless from any claim or damages (including any legal fees in relation to same) made by yourself or a third party in respect of any matter in relation to or arising from your membership at any time.

The Club, its Management, Agents, Employees or the Venue shall not be liable to any Member, Guest of a Member or third party for any loss, damage or injury suffered by them or their property howsoever caused, save in respect of death or personal injury to a Member or Guest caused by the negligence of the management.

  • PRIVACY POLICY. We know that many Members will wish to keep their private life and social choices to themselves. From time to time, we may wish to inform you about our events or provide information pertinent to the membership here. By submitting a registration for membership, you consent to be contacted in relation to that registration so please ensure that you use an email that is private to yourself. You may unsubscribe from our communications at the time of application or at any time subsequently by clicking on the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the email message or informing a Member of the management team that you no longer wish to receive correspondence.


There are various categories of membership: heterosexual couples, single female and a single male. Members of the trans community are welcome and may apply under the category that is supported by their government-issued photo ID.

The minimum age of attednance is 21 years for a perosn attending on their own. The minimum age of 18 years applies when attending with a partner 21years or older. There are no upper age, gender or race restrictions on membership.

The management has full discretion to approve who is eligible to be a member. Provisional membership may be granted upon review of a registration and may only be extended to full membership for a period of twelve months (unless revoked) from the date of the first visit.

Irrespective of whether or not registrations are extended beyond provisional status, a charge for the administration of registration may be applicable. No refunds are due under any circumstances.

Every Member agrees to abide by the Rules upon acceptance as a Member and must acknowledge this in the designated box upon the membership application form.



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Pussycats Pleasurerooms
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Liverpool
  • We are the first and the only swingers club in Liverpool. The club is open to both singles and couples. We have a large dance floor where you can dance all night long and have fun with other like minded individuals from around Liverpool. Come explore your sexual side in a non-pushy atmosphere free from all judgment!
  • United Kingdom (UK) > London
  • Club R.U.B is a monthly fetish club. The events are always themed and the dress code is strict. The parties are held in London from 10.30pm till dawn. Contact us for details.
Radlett Adult Parties
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Radlett
  • Radlett is the UK’s best established and popular swinging house party venue. Perfect for newbies and experienced swingers alike. Couples Couples are welcome to attend the entirety of the party weekend. Singles will also be present on the Friday but will have left by the Saturday evening when the party becomes closed to single guys . The party is based on the fourth Saturday of every month but the exact schedule is in the ‘ dates ’ page of this site . Couples do not need to book ahead. We take pride in feeding you, and often supply a whole roast pig – or similar. Independent reviews on Fab Swingers etc. will underline that parties here are full . Some…
  • United Kingdom (UK) > London
  • Club Raquels is and has always been the talk of town. We are a swingers club for the open minded people. The amenities include two jacuzzi, steam rooms and sauna. Come and experience a new erotic experience and explore the lifestyle further!
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Exeter & Plymouth
  • Welcome to ‘SECRETS’, the south wests premier couples only party venue with parties now being held on the third Saturday of each calendar month. Ideally located halfway between Exeter and Plymouth we are easily accessible from all of Devon, Cornwall and Somerset.  To attend you don’t need to join a club, pay a membership or provide intimate details. Simply select the party you’d like to come to and reserve your ticket by telephone or email, payment only being required on the night. For those of you new to us, ‘SECRETS’ parties are held in our large country home.  It’s a fabulous, discreet, secluded location with ample secure parking in the house grounds. We do not allow single male’s so couples…
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Bolton
  • Make your life more fun at Club Selecta, the only swingers club where you can enjoy a selection of the sexiest and most attractive swingers from all over the UK. Come drink, dance, chat and make new friends for long term relations or for no string attached fun. The choice is yours to make!
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Southeast
  • We are the official ministry of sin. Our non pushy atmosphere is specially designed for experienced swingers as well as newbies. Come express your sexuality freely with other mature adults and re-discover yourself. We have all the amenities and service you need. Contact us for more details.
The Adult Party Place
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Tonbridge High Wycombe
  • Looking forward to establishing contact with fellow swingers who are genuine? Adult Party Place organizes many winger parties where you can meet other swingers and spice up your lifestyle. All are very welcome. Contact us for more information at anytime.
The Attic
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Derby
  • A secret swingers club in Derby has been attracting hundreds of people from across the Midlands, and yes its the ATTIC! It is a Friendly, massive place over over 3000sq ft! with down to earth people. Promoting a Great atmosphere with very welcoming hosts and owner. Single ladies will feel secure. The Club has more than meets the eye from the outside, Once inside, the deceptively large 43-room club has a room for every fantasy – including an ultra-realistic ‘dogging’ area complete with a Fiat hatchback! As you step inside, first-timers are offered a tour by a member of staff on reception. Visitors are advised to bring their own alcohol as the club only sells soft drinks behind the bar.…
The Cockatoo
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Southeast
  • Are you a discerning individual or couple that wants to indulge in erotic adventurous activities? Cockatoo is a club that has an erotically ignited atmosphere and is always full of attractive adults like yourself. Come and attend our exciting events and dance to the music as you make new friends on ordinary nights!
The Couples
  • United Kingdom (UK) > London
  • The couples night is a long running club that is strictly for couples only. Over the years we have gained popularity thanks to our lovely service and upscale facilities making us the choice of many lifestyle couples from all corners of the country. Our club is always full of adventurous couples ready to share fun moments with you!
The No3
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Lancashire
  • The No3 Club is located in Chorley Lancashire, the heart of the North West. We welcome Swingers old and new to our luxurious new swingers club which we have put together with style, comfort and fun in mind. Relax in the friendliest swingers club with sexy open and like minded people. Enjoy our luxurious surroundings and unbeatable atmosphere, meet new friends and enjoy modern swinging in a modern swingers club with people of all ages, shapes and sizes! Party Party Party – The No3 Club is famous for our regular parties….If you would like to hold a party at the No3 club then please get in touch as we are more than happy to make it a party for you to remember….whatever…
The Private Club
  • United Kingdom (UK) > Birmingham
  • Welcome to The Private Club: The UKs Best Kept Secret. Open to any adults looking for an adventurous place to visit, whether you are a swinging couple, single woman or single man, you are more than welcome. So what do we offer at the club? For people looking for a safe environment to meet like minded singles and couples, we host six weekly gang-bang sex parties. Each party will be hosted by some of our beautiful hosts, who along with the other club staff aim to make your visit as enjoyable and sexy as possible. What you can expect At The Private Club, we offer a variety of events and themed nights throughout every month. Each week we host at…
  • Europe > United Kingdom (UK)
  • A best place to start and continue your insanely active and at the same time safe sexual life. It’s a way better to start it online and prepare for meetings in real life than do it at the bar or at the night club. Even sex/swingers clubs can be a great discouragement if you visit them without preparation. BTW most swingers clubs and local sex groups have their pages at the place we talk about.

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