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Swing! (Frederick city) Sex & Swingers Club

Address: Frederick, MD, USA
Website: http://www.aswinginggoodtime.com/
Twitter: @SwingGoodTime


We at Swing! have enjoyed organizing exciting & alluring Swinger events for nearly 10 years, but we have decided we want to be part of the fun & not just the organizers. In the near future, this web site will be changing to a site dedicated to sharing Swinger Lifestyle information as well as events & parties that have caught our attention. While we may no longer be organizing events, we hope to point you in the direction of awesomely enticing Swinger soirées that come on to our radar. Hope to see you around.

Happy Swinging!

How we got our swinging cherries popped

So hubby and I had many, many conversations about what types of things we would like to do with another couple and what types of rules we wanted to follow…some that got thrown out the window right away! Should we kiss? How about watching each other? What about the big finish?  With who? What to do? So many things! Some for us were never a question but others?  Being flexible is key, you can’t set things in stone because you never know until the time comes!

With this in mind, we were interested to see what opportunities would come our way.  We had been onSLS, working on our profile and figuring out what pictures to add.  Then we got our first email!!!!  We opened it and we were both like OMG she is so cute!!!!  She asked if we had any pics, and I was going to post them that day, so I sent her one.  She said we were cute too!!!! We felt like a bunch of giggly school girls!!!  We exchanged a few teasing emails and we still didn’t know etiquette or if there were any rules…so I told her our names and sent her my phone number.

A few days later, after some hot loving, I got a text.  Hubby and I were all cuddly in bed and I checked it and was like “it’s her!!!!” So we were texting back and forth and she sent us some naughty pictures…the rest of us exchanged phone numbers so all four of us were texting.  We decided to meet the following week.  We set up a babysitter and kept texting. It shifted to my hubby to her and her hubby to me texting each other.  Lots of dirty, dirty things and pics. We were still virgins and shy, so we didn’t send any naughty pics yet.

So the night we met, we were so nervous!!!! It’s like a first date, but with couples.  We met at a bar for some drinks.  We got to sit and talk and just hang out and see how comfortable we were with each other.  Pictures really don’t give people justice…it really is all about the personalities.  I was a little unsure about hubby from the pics, but when we met, everything was fine…they were both so nice and fun to hang out with.  After a few hours, my hubby asked if they wanted to come back to our place!!! The vibe was good, so why not!

So we got back to our house, sent the babysitter on her way and went to hang out in our playroom in the basement.  We sat around talking and generally being a little nervous, until finally she suggested we get it started.  So she climbed on top of her hubby and started kissing him and I did the same to mine, right next to each other on the couch.  Things started to progress and clothes started moving around and body parts were poking out…I heard “Look honey, she has big boobies!”…lol!  That totally helped lighten the mood and then she and I started kissing…next thing I know, we are missing clothes and the boys started losing theirs too.   After a little of that we were all naked and really fooling around with our spouses and she said, “well, are we going to fuck or what?” and we proceeded to swap.

Normally I’m a go for it kind of girl, but I was definitely on the hesitant side of this for some reason.  I think I was worried that we were fundamentally going to ruin our awesome marriage because of this, and I wasn’t really sure how into it I really was.  But I thought, it was just sex, nothing else!  It had never been a problem for me before, so why let it be now?   Then hubby basically jumped her with glee right in front of me and there was no turning back.

So, her hubby and I started kissing and I realized it really was just about sex and nothing else.  It helped put me at ease and really start to get into it.  We all fooled around with each other a lot!  Lots of kissing and touching and sucking…it was strange having someone go down on you after ten years of just your husband doing it!  But it was cool…my hubby brought her to orgasm and she squirted right on his face. Surprise!!!! And it is strange to suck another guys cock with your husband right near you.  Next thing I know hubby starts fucking her…now that was hard to see…I’m not going to lie…so I had to distract myself somehow, so I stopped kissing him and asked if he wanted me to hop on. He said, “What?”. And I said “sorry, that is something hubby and I say, do you want me to climb on top?” So I got a condom, rolled it on and proceeded to climb on his cock.  Well, that was a very different experience and it felt so naughty!!!!  There was my husband fucking his wife and here we are fucking each other…bizarre, yet so fun!  We switched positions a few times and then switched back to our spouses and then we just stopped.

We hung out talking for a while, they are so cool and open and straight forward, so it was easy to talk about awkward things and clear up any issues.  For being first timers, it went really, really well!  We got to see what it was like and figure out what worked and what didn’t.  Needless to say, hubby and I had lots of things to talk about after this and it, of course, added fuel to our sexual fire!  We liked it so much though, that we had a playdate with them a few days later!!!

EFAQ Swing

Here are the most frequently asked questions we get EVERY DAY & answers to those questions.  This page will expand as time goes on.

1)  Are you in DC?

We live in the DC exurbs.  That means we could be in DC, PA, MD, VA & even parts of DE or WV.

2)  Skype, Kik..?. Some other type of instant chat?

No, security & confidentiality are of paramount importance to us because of our jobs & families.  We WILL NOT be video chatting with you as there is no way for us to ensure our security.  Video & screen captures people!

3)  Are there pictures of you on here?

On our previous tumblr there were pics of us (our faces were obscured).  We haven’t uploaded any to the newest version of our tumblr but that doesn’t mean we won’t ever. No, we won’t send you pics of us.  There are still some on our twitter.

4)  Can I meet you?

We actually agreed to meet someone a long time ago from tumblr, it went very badly. We were stalked & harassed for months & since we had given him our SwingLifestyle screenname,  Hubby ended up having to cancel that account and we had to start a new one to avoid him. Since we learn from our mistakes, no, we don’t meet anyone from twitter or tumblr.

5)  What Swinger sites are you on?

We have lifetime accounts on SwingLifestyle, LoveVoodoo, Kasidie, Alt Playground, Fetlife &Quiver. We have also had accounts with Adult Friendfinder, Swingers Date Club, Swinger Zone Central, Lifestyle Lounge.

6)  What’s your screenname on ______________ lifestyle site?

We aren’t telling you, see answer to question 4.

7)  What Swinger sites do you recommend?

Here is the Swing! Affiliates Page with them listed.   Basically they all have a “FREE to try option” so try them out & see what works best for you in your area.

8)  I want to join. How do I do it?

To find out what’s going on in your area you really need to start with a Swinger Lifestyle site. See answer to question 7.

9)  How do I convince my Wife/Husband to Swing?

Ask them. But… there is no silver bullet sure fire way. Test the waters, find out if they fantasize about Swinging and, if they do, move from there.  If they say “no,” be prepared to abandon the whole idea, it’s gonna have to stay a fantasy unless you are prepared to destroy your relationship.

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Other local swingers parties in Frederick

  • Maryland (MD) > Frederick
  • Facebook and Instagram of sexual dating social networks. There is no place for many popular and successful social networks because if you use one or two – you will not use others, because you don’t have time and because you can already find all people at networks you use. So at the place which we will discover to you, you will find the most of sexually active people in your location and in locations you plan to visit. That place is in the top 2000 most visited websites of the world and has the biggest user base among sexual related social networks
  • Maryland (MD) > Frederick
  • Number 1 non-censored dating app for swinger sex - the Tinder+Bumble+OkCupid+Badoo all in the same place, full of naked photos of bodies, dicks and vaginas of members who want only one thing: no string attached sex with you!
Frederick MD Meet and Greet
  • Frederick > Frederick city
  • Located in the Pastimes restaurant, bar and dance area of the Hampton Inn Hotel.ake new friends, laugh, learn, and relax.
Frederick SnF
Maple Corners Country
Yakadoo’s M&G
  • Frederick > Frederick city
  • Monthly meet and greet located in a private ball room inside the Holiday Inn in Fredericksburg Virginia. A donation of $10 will be collected to pay for DJ, tip bartender and doorman.
  • Maryland (MD) > Frederick
  • A best place to start and continue your insanely active and at the same time safe sexual life. It’s a way better to start it online and prepare for meetings in real life than do it at the bar or at the night club. Even sex/swingers clubs can be a great discouragement if you visit them without preparation. BTW most swingers clubs and local sex groups have their pages at the place we talk about.

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